For Unto Us a Son is Born

I love the whole month of December as there is an excitement in the air. I can remember as a little girl anticipating this month as I counted the days until Christmas morning. I anxiously awaited the gifts that would be under my tree on that glorious morning. In fact, I would work hard on my Christmas present list so that I could receive all that I wanted. There was not a presence of Jesus in my life except for the story of His birth.

As a little girl, I did not know Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and therefore I looked for the presents under my tree to bring me joy. And for a moment on Christmas day, I felt the emotion of joy but the feeling of joy went away even quicker than it came. I was looking to things to fill my need for Jesus instead of looking to the child who was born for me. I knew the story of Jesus, but did not have a relationship with the living Savior of the world.

The presents were more important than the presence of Jesus because I had not asked Jesus into my heart. I did not know this joy that comes from His great love. I had not experienced the peace of Jesus deep in my soul and I definitely did not know the hope that Jesus brings. That joy, love, peace and hope that comes from Jesus was available to me and I was not able to experience it in my early years.

It was not until the age of 18 that I was able to know this Jesus that was born and died for me. I started attending Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio with one of my high school friends and her family. I would listen to the loving words of the preacher, Buckner Fanning, and get lost in the music that stirred my soul. For the first time, I knew what I was missing in my life. In those Sunday morning church services, I had heard and received the good news of Jesus Christ that was available to me. I felt a love and acceptance like I had never experienced before and I wanted to know my Savior more.

On Christmas Eve, I made the commitment to give my heart to Jesus and believe that He died to give me eternal life. My sister and I were baptized together that Christmas Eve at Trinity Baptist Church, the place where I had heard and received the good news. As I came up out of the baptism water, I felt alive with the presence of Christ in me! I had put CHRIST in my Christmas which would turn out to be the greatest gift I could have ever received-His presence in my life!

Every Christmas I remember this life changing moment in my life and I smile knowing that the true meaning of Christmas is not the presents under my Christmas tree, but is the baby who was born for me on that calm, bright,and starry night! Glory to God in the highest for His greatest gift that is available to all who believe! Put CHRIST in the start and the heart of your CHRISTmas!

“For unto us a child is born,

Unto us a Son is given;

And the government will be upon His shoulder.

And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor,

Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Isaiah 9:6

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