
Did you know that God winks at us? I heard this expression a few years ago from a dear friend in my Bible Study group. She said that anytime you know something happened that only God could do or appoint for you, it is like God winking at you. He winks to say, “I love you and wanted to bless you again my child.” She heard this expression, GOD WINK, from her Sunday School leader and friend and passed it on to our group of ladies. 

I experienced many GOD WINKS last weekend at my book signing on a rainy Saturday in downtown McKinney, Texas. I stepped into the beautiful boutique, Sharla’s,  filled with treasures and chandeliers that sparkled brightly on this rainy day. I did not know what to expect as I set up my books to sell that day to the people shopping in the store. I wondered how many would be out shopping in the rain  

Many people came inside to shop in spite of the rain.  As they entered and walked to the table where I was signing books, I had the chance to talk and pray with them. I love ministering to people so this day blessed me in many ways.

Several groups of ladies and even a few men came to shop that day and I was blessed to meet each one. As we shared stories, I found out one sweet group of ladies from east Texas just so happened to know the Sunday school leader who told my friend about the fact that GOD WINKS at us! Yes, I received a double GOD WINK when and where I needed it most.

I was just praying before these ladies walked in the store that God would show me if I was supposed to be selling my books. He answered me with a GOD WINK and a blessing of meeting these wonderful ladies who graciously bought many devotionals for their family and friends!

After I signed all their books, we prayed together in the store for God to move right there among us and answer the prayers of our heart. As we prayed, we felt God’s love fall upon us in a most special way. You see, it’s not just a small world where we live... we have a BIG GOD who winks at us all the time when we open our eyes and our hearts completely to see His winks!  
