Daily Prayer
We are all sinners and need rescuing from our sins. Without help, we will fall. We live in a world where we are greatly tempted each day. Without the grace of our Lord, we would never be able to be free from sin that entangles us. The chains of sin and shame fall off when we turn our faces to the Lord and our backs to sin. Only Jesus can give us this amazing grace that flows freely from His open heart. The bad news is that we have all fallen short of the glory of God, but the good news is that we all have been forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ who paid the price for all of our sins! Cling to this good news that changes everything!
Are you seeking to find forgiveness and wholeness? Have you lost your hope because your sins have weighed you down? Is your face turned to sin and your back to God? Turn around and seek the face of God because He never turns His back to you! The Lord has forgiven you and wants to set you free. He has been waiting for you to open your heart to his invitation to love and peace. The grace of the Lord is the free gift of God waiting for you to receive as you invite His Son, Jesus into your heart. Say Yes to the hope of Heaven in Jesus, the power of Holy Spirit and the grace-filled love of God and you will be free at last!
Dear Lord,
The struggle with sin is real. You know what I will face each day, so You have given me Your Word and Your Spirit to encourage me to hold fast to You. As I navigate daily life, You promise to be in me guiding me each moment. Your powerful presence in me has given me courage to say no to the flesh and yes to the Spirit. I love knowing that I can seek You more each day. In PSALM 27:8, I read that “YOU HAVE SAID ‘SEEK MY FACE.’
MY HEART SAYS TO YOU, ‘YOUR FACE LORD, DO I SEEK.’” As I seek Your face, my heart will be open to the light of Your love and grace. Thank You for shining Your light of hope upon me so brilliantly! I am free in You!
In Jesus name,