Daily Prayer
We all are seeking more peace deep down in our souls. We want to see peace around us and in us. When we read or listen to the news of current events, there is more bad news than good news. Even social media is full of negativity. It is tough to feel at peace when we do not see peace. We want to calm our anxious soul, but how is it possible with all the stress and problems we see? The reality of the lack of peace in our world is overwhelming and heartbreaking. How can we find peace to calm our hearts and give rest to our souls? Is it possible to have peace when we cannot see signs of peace around us?
Yes, true peace is possible for you only through Jesus Christ! He promises peace to you. Have you asked for His perfect peace even in the toughest times? He will give you peace in your pain if you seek His peace. Do not let your troubles settle in your heart, but instead let the peace of Jesus rule in your heart! His peace is everlasting and fulfilling and will get you through it all. If you need more peace, ask the Lord for His peace and He will settle your worries, anxieties and fears.Your peace is found in the arms of your Savior, Jesus Christ as He whispers to your heart, “PEACE BE WITH YOU.” Let the perfect peace from Jesus that is beyond human understanding come alive inside you!
Dear Lord,
You want me to find peace. In JOHN 20:19, You give peace to all who will receive it as you say, “PEACE BE WITH YOU.” I hear these words and they comfort me. I can hear You speak them into my heart. You speak peace over me time and time again. I hear Your voice calling me to receive Your peace. I will be still and feel Your peace fill every part of me. I need Your peace and will receive all that You give me, Lord! I know You will give me peace in every situation even when peace does not seem possible. I will be still and let You fill my cup until it overflows with Your peace!
In Jesus name,