Daily Prayer


We all get thirsty and have the need to be filled. Our bodies need water to survive so we do not get weak, tired and dehydrated. Water hydrates us and fills our thirst. But what about our minds and our souls? We can get spiritually and emotionally dehydrated. We can become so weak and frail that we die inside because we do not hydrate with water that brings life. Where can we find the water of life? Is it possible to get spiritually and mentally hydrated? Yes, there is a living water that will fill us like a spring of water welling up to eternal life! The way to this hydration is the living water from Jesus that never leaves us thirsty! 

Are you thirsty? Have you tried filling the thirst of your soul with things or people and find yourself still dehydrated, weak and even more thirsty? Is your mind filled with things that make you thirsty again? Jesus has living water for you! His water is the well spring of eternal life. When you drink from His fountain of living water, you can draw the life back into your heart, soul, mind and body! He will hydrate your entire being with His joy, peace, love, hope, and grace as You fill up with His Spirit and His Word. His water well of truth from His living Word never dries up and keeps flowing in and through you as you drink from it! Fill up with the living water of Jesus!

Dear Lord,

I want to be hydrated with Your living water. I have a thirst that can only be filled with Your living water. In JOHN 4:14, You say that,

“WHOEVER DRINKS OF THE WATER THAT I WILL GIVE THEM WILL NEVER BE THIRSTY AGAIN. THE WATER THAT I WILL GIVE HIM WILL BECOME IN HIM A SPRING OF WATER WELLING UP TO ETERNAL LIFE.” The truth encourages my heart and soul! I want a deeper relationship with You. I am so thankful for this life giving water that is available to me if I will drink it. I will drink Your water, Lord Jesus, as You are ready to fill me with a spring of water welling up to eternal life! As I drink, I will never be thirsty again! Hallelujah! 

In Jesus Name,



Jill Lowry Ministries