Daily Prayer


As we reach out to others with kindness, we are showing our love for them. People need to see our love in our actions and deeds and not just hear us “talk the talk.” As we walk in love that flows from a giving heart, people feel loved. As many will confirm,  most people do not remember what we say, but they remember how we make them feel. What the world needs now, is LOVE, SWEET LOVE! There is never enough love to give others. As we reach out to give our love, we show the love of Jesus to a broken world. 

Are you reaching out to others out of kindness that flows from a loving heart? Are you in need of a real love from a friend who cares? Have you felt unloved at times? You are not alone when you have the love of Jesus. He loves you unconditionally at all times. As He notices you and loves you with His steadfast love at all times. He is encouraging you to take His love and share it with joy at all times as He never stops loving you! The love of Jesus is the key that opens the heart all the time!

Dear Lord, 

Thank You for the love that You give to me. You gave me the greatest love when You sacrificed all for me. I know that I am loved as You reached out to me through Your ultimate act of love. The truth of Your love can be found at the foot of the cross. You ask me to love others as Your word is clear in 1 JOHN 3:18, “LITTLE CHILDREN, LET US NOT LOVE IN WORD OR TALK BUT IN DEED AND TRUTH.” Help me to stop talking about love and start walking in love like You desire. I will begin by listening to Your voice directing me in the truth and then I will follow Your lead in my deeds of love. Your love is the key that will open hearts to You!

In Jesus name,



Jill Lowry Ministries