Daily Prayer
Our world is filled with God’s beauty and majesty which He created in all His power and glory. As we look at all His creations and wonders, we can find ourselves being filled with His magnificent light if we focus on the God who made all things in the light of His glory. Our mind shifts from our problems to our God when we walk in His light of hope. This world has darkness that can overwhelm us that does not come from God. When we set our minds on these things, our hope vanishes into the darkness of our hopelessness. But with a mind overwhelmed by God, there is no darkness at all; only the light of His glory and hope that shines brilliantly!
Are you struggling to see the light? Is the darkness blinding you to the truth of the hope that God has for you? Set your eyes on Jesus Christ who will surround you with the light of His love and mercy. He will show you the way out and give you hope once again! There is greater hope ahead for those who live in the light of Christ! His light lives in those who let Him shine His love on their hearts. Let Him shine in you so that you can shine His light for all to see the hope that is in you through Jesus Christ!
Dear Lord,
I want to live in the light of Your hope! Help me to shift my focus to You, Lord, my light of hope who reigns in me. My mind has been preoccupied with other things. Forgive me for worrying about my problems and not focusing on You. I see the light when I step out of the dark and into the path of Your marvelous light! You remind me in
1 JOHN 1:5, “GOD IS LIGHT, AND IN HIM IS NO DARKNESS AT ALL.” I will take this truth and make it real as I take it to heart. I will live each moment in Your light so that my hope grows and my light shines for all to see that the hope in me comes from You, my Lord!
In Jesus name,