Daily Prayer
We all have a Helper to guide, direct and lead us in our decisions and give us direction for our lives. When we invite Jesus to live in our hearts, we have the presence of the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit, our Helper. He gently guides us with His powerful love when we choose to live in the Spirit. As we surrender our hearts to His love, we can know how He wants us to love. We can discern the truth when we let the Spirit of Truth direct our minds and our hearts. Jesus did not leave us as orphans, as He gave us His Spirit to be present in us all the time. The same power that lives in Jesus lives in us through the power of the Holy Spirit!
Do you hear the gentle whisper of the Spirit of God calling you? Do you recognize this voice as you draw closer to the presence of God? Did you know that the Father has given you a gift that you can have if you so choose? The gift given to you is the Holy Spirit who will be with you forever. He will guide you into all truth and lead you to greater love if you let Him. Life in the Spirit brings real peace, hope and joy that can never be taken away from you. The power of the Holy Spirit is alive in you when you let go and let Him live in you. This same power that raised Jesus from the dead lives in you!
Dear Lord,
Thank You for Your gift of the Holy Spirit! I am listening to the still voice of Your beautiful Spirit stirring inside of me. You have gently whispered and I want Your help and direction, so I will listen to You. I know that Jesus wanted to give me a Helper as I read in JOHN 14:16,
“I WILL ASK THE FATHER, AND HE WILL GIVE YOU ANOTHER HELPER, TO BE WITH YOU FOREVER.” This Helper is the Holy Spirit who has given me new life and direction as I choose to live in the Spirit. I can live in freedom as I let the Spirit lead me. Holy Spirit, You are welcome in my life! I am letting Your whisper of love into my heart eternally!
In Jesus Name,