Daily Prayers


There are many things happening  in our daily lives that can leave us feeling empty and yet anxious. We become heavily burdened by those things when we let those things rule and control us. In addition, there may be people in our lives who want to control us so much, that we can feel helpless and imprisoned. We are held captive by our own anxieties especially when our mind is heavy with many concerns and worries that flood our heart.  We want to be free from these burdens, sone of them which are totally out of our control, but how can we do this? It seems impossible to transform our mind. We need help so we do not turn to the wrong things to try fix our problems. 

God has come to take ALL these burdens from you. He has forgiven you for turning away from Him, so come back and let Him take ALL  your worries from you. His arms are wide open to receive ALL that you need to cast over to Him. When you decide to do this, you will be set free from ALL the chains that have been holding you captive for so long. As you cling to the Lord, you will find that ALL of your heart and your mind will finally be at peace. He is your ALL in ALL!

Dear Lord,

Today I will finally let you be my ALL in ALL! You will take ALL for me so I can let go. In your Word, you say in 1 PETER 5:7 that I need to be “casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you.” I admit that I have not been casting ALL of them to You. It is time for me to let go and let You take ALL, so that I can let You transform ALL of me! Thank You for this promise to turn my heartaches to heart songs as I praise You from the top of my lungs! I sing and raise my Hallelujah to You my Lord!

In Jesus name,



Jill Lowry Ministries