Daily Prayer
I will cast all my anxieties upon you because you care for me LORD. I am grateful for your love for me and know that you will help me right now. Whenever I am lost and afraid, you comfort me and let me know that you are always near. Whenever I doubt, you pick me up, show me the way, and help me get back on my feet again.
I will keep on trusting you. I will give you my whole heart. I will let my faith be bigger than my fear. I am free because you have conquered my sins. I will not be defeated because I have you as my LORD and SAVIOR.
Today, I will decide to let go of all my cares and let you take them. I give you control over my life so I do not let my cares and anxieties control me. I am done worrying about things I have no control over. I am at peace with you LORD JESUS! You are my peace as I have decided to let go and follow you!