Daily Prayer

“Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.”

Psalm 42:7

Dear Heavenly Father,

I feel rejuvenated and alive as Your living water refreshes my body and the Holy Spirit renews my soul. My body and soul are healed as You have touched me again and again. When the waves of Your Spirit cover me, I know that You are there with me holding me up. I hear Your beautiful voice calling me and I know that peace is possible only with You. I feel Your holy presence as gentle waves touch my feet and wash my worries away. Your footprints in the sand all around me remind me that You never leave me. You are my constant companion and friend. Your love restores and revives me because I have believed. I am made new in You as I keep You close. Thank You for filling all of my days with Your peace and refreshing my soul with Your joy!

In Jesus’ name,



Jill Lowry Ministries