Daily Prayer
“Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand and marked off the heavens with a span?”
Isaiah 40:12
Do you see the miracles around you? God has made you to see with spiritual eyes. Are your eyes open to see? God hand crafted you so that you can experience the beauty of the earth and all its creations. Open the eyes of your heart so that you can see His wonder and glory! He loves you and wants you to know His eternal peace, joy, and hope!
Dear Heavenly Father,
I believe that You have made me with eyes to see Your glory! I am so thankful for You and Your love for me! I know that You will answer my prayers as I pray for You to open the eyes of my heart, Lord. All that Your hand touches comes to life with Your light of hope. The darkness disappears as Your light shines brightly for all to see. I am in awe of Your powerful love and peace that calms my heart and rejuvenates my soul!
In Jesus’ name,