Daily Prayer
“Give thanks to the Lord of heaven, for his steadfast love endures forever.”
Psalm 136:26
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your love that endures forever! Your love reaches far and wide and long and deep to fill all who receive You with promise and power. I am so grateful that I know this amazing love as it refreshes and revives me! I see hope in your love every moment of my life when I accept your love and live in it. Living in your love is the best place that I can be. I want to remain with you as you have strengthened me and called me out to love you. Mold me and make me in your image as you desire. Help me to be strong with your power and love that endures forever. I will not shrink back when I am challenged, but will hold on to you Lord, my anchor of hope and love. Your steadfast love has filled my life with pure joy and I am most grateful for you!
In Jesus’ name,