Daily Prayer

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight.”

Psalm 19:14

Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to bless You with my words and love You with all of my heart! I want people to feel and see Your love through my words and my actions. I will return to You with my whole heart so that You can do Your work through me. I can fulfill the work You have called for me as I stay on the path and finish my race with Your strength and guidance. I will fix my eyes on You and keep going one step at a time. I will keep close to You by continuing to pray and read Your words of truth. I will go where You lead me and follow You to the path that leads to freedom! I am free with You and in Your loving arms. I am alive with the Spirit of the living God inside of me. I have a hope that will not be taken away from me. Now that I strive to follow You with my a surrendered heart, my life is blessed with abundant joy, love and peace! Thank you for taking more of me so I can be more like You!

In Jesus’ name,



Jill Lowry Ministries