Daily Prayer
In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.”
Ephesians 1:13
Do you believe? What a joy to know that when we find Jesus and believe, we have eternal life and the Holy Spirit! Do you know this treasured gift of the Holy Spirit that lives in you? Have you activated His power within your life? He has been living in you, but maybe you are not letting Him work inside of every part of you to give you the fullest life in the Spirit! There is a power and a presence that you have already living inside of you. Yield to the Holy Spirit, who is Jesus in you, and you will be recharged and fully awakened to new life! He will light up your life like never before! Say yes to Jesus and let Him give you this treasured gift that will change you from the inside out!
Dear Heavenly Father,
I am so thankful that You love me and live in me! How wonderful to be filled with Your sweet presence and mighty power! You have given me the Holy Spirit to dwell within me because I have believed in You. I am wide awake to You as I have turned on the light in my life. You have awakened me to new life and given me new joy! An overwhelming peace has settled over me to stay as I know that the Holy Spirit will guide, help, comfort, strengthen, intercede and support me.
How could I ever worry or be afraid? This truth has set me free! Hallelujah!
In Jesus’ name,
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