Daily Prayer

“He has made everything beautiful in its time.”

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Dear Heavenly Father,

Your timing is perfect Lord! You do make everything beautiful in its time. Thank You for giving us hope and peace as we pray remembering this promise. You make beauty out of ashes and bring light to the darkness. We have seen You do amazing things when Your people pray faithfully and patiently! You never forget the sweet praises and cries from the hearts lifted up to You. As we pray, these prayers rise up to You as incense with a sweet aroma. We will continue believing and praying with a patient hope rising up. Thank You, Lord for making all things joyful and beautiful in Your perfect timing. We will wait patiently upon You to move among Your people as we pray for revival to change hearts and touch souls!

In Jesus’ name,



Jill Lowry Ministries