Daily Prayer

“God, the Lord, is my strength; He makes my feet like the deer’s; He makes me tread on my high places.”

Habakkuk 3:19

Dear Heavenly Father,

There are times when I have found myself trying too hard to please people rather than please You, my audience of one. I am worn out and weary from trying to do it in my own efforts. But You tell me to get my strength from You. I am encouraged to get my strength for the stretch from You, Lord! I will tread securely with You as only You can lift me up eternally. I will hold Your hand and let my faith rise over fear. I will rely on You, Lord, as I work faithfully and swiftly with Your infusion of power and grace. I will let go and let You lead me each step of the way as I run steady and swiftly with You to the finish line!

In Jesus name,



Jill Lowry Ministries