Daily Prayer

“You also must be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

Matthew 24:44

Dear Heavenly Father,

You tell me to be ready for Your return. Only You know when that promise will be fulfilled. I wait with hope knowing that my present and my future are full of life in You as I have made You my Lord and Savior! As I wait, I will worship and trust You more. As I trust You more, I will serve faithfully and wholeheartedly. I am prepared as I have given You all of my heart and made my Home in You! I am secure as I have surrendered all to You, Christ Jesus. You are my foundation and my rock. Your Spirit lives in me and I am free! I pray that we are all made ready and will rise up in faith so that we are prepared for Your return in glory! Come Lord Jesus!

In Jesus’ name,



Jill Lowry Ministries