Daily Prayer


Pray this promise:

“Oh magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together!”

Psalm 34:3

Pray this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

I will praise You all the day long! I will magnify Your glorious name forever as You are mighty., all powerful, and magnificent! Your love has touched my heart and I am praising You for the endless joy You bring me! My heart is full of hope as I pray and ponder the glory only You can bring to all! Thank You for giving us Jesus who loves unconditionally. He has saved us all by grace which has been lavished upon us so richly. When we believe, we receive a glorious inheritance with You, our Father through Jesus. Thank You for richly blessing my life with my Savior, Jesus Christ! I do believe!

In Jesus’ name,



Jill Lowry Ministries