Daily Prayer
God gives us grace. We are forgiven of our sins as we receive His gift of grace given to all who make Christ their Lord and Savior. It is by grace through faith that we are forgiven and free. Grace is God’s reward to you that came at Christ’s expense. Have you opened your heart to believe and receive? God has much to give you as you trust Him and make Him Lord of your life. As you let His grace cover you, the peace of Christ will rule in your heart and you will receive His forgiveness for your sins. Grace always comes before peace. Open up your heart and receive God’s gift of grace!
ACTS 26:18
Dear Lord,
I am praising You for the grace You have given me! I am alive and free from my sins which had entangled me before I received Your gift of grace. You loved me so much that You gave me Your only begotten Son as a sacrifice for my sins. The cross is proof of Your eternal love for me! I am drawing to Your throne of grace with confidence. I know that Your peace will rule in my heart as I let Your grace in! I am forgiven and free in Christ Jesus!
In Jesus name,