Daily Prayer
Today is the day that the Lord has made. We will be glad and rejoice in it. God made us to rejoice! He wants us to rejoice in Him and be grateful for each day He has given us! He has great love for each of us that never ends. Turn to Him and be thankful for His goodness and grace that is available for all. Love one another with His love that is eternal and lasting. Be still and know that His love is real. Keep fighting the good fight of faith one day at a time! He is faithful all the time!
Will you rejoice in the Lord even in the pain? Have you come closer to His heart even if your heart aches? Is your hope found in the light of the world, Jesus Christ? Find hope through Jesus Christ even in these concerning and uncertain times! Rejoice in the Lord for all His goodness and grace! Let His love enrich your life moment by moment. Continue praising even in the fear. Keep praying even in the pain. Remain hopeful even if you cannot understand. Stay faithful as the test is sure to come. Keeping drawing to His Word of life. Keep fighting the good fight of the faith!
Dear Lord,
I will not let go of my faith even in these challenging times! You are with me always no matter what I am facing. I will worship and praise You even in the storm! I will trust You even if I do not understand. I will spread the good news of Your love available for everyone to receive. I will keep praying for all to be made well spiritually and physically! And I will rejoice as PHILIPPIANS 3:1 encourages me,
Rejoicing today with great joy and hope because I know the truth of the love of Jesus and He has set me free! Praying all will be set free!
In Jesus name,