Daily Prayer


God is over the heavens and the earth and everything within it! Be sure about this... God is in control of everything! Whatever happens, He reigns as the true light and the darkness cannot overcome the light. He brings you His light of life when He lives in you. Keep your focus on Him and He will bring you through whatever lies ahead. We do not know what tomorrow brings, but we do know who holds our tomorrow in His hands!

“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!”

Psalm 57:5

Dear Lord,

I am comforted to know that You reign no matter what happens. Your glory reigns over all the earth! I will exalt and praise You higher and let my faith rise with You! Nothing can take away my Hallelujah! No darkness can contain Your glory! Thank You for giving me renewed hope everyday. Your mercies are new every morning and I am rejoicing and praising You, my one and only King!

In Jesus” name,



Jill Lowry Ministries