Daily Prayer


Pray this promise:

“You also must be ready for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”

Matthew 24:44

Pray this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

You tell me to be ready for Your return. Only You know when that promise will be fulfilled. I wait with hope knowing that my present and my future are full of life in You as I have made You my Lord. As I wait, I will worship and trust You more. As I trust You more, I will serve You faithfully and wholeheartedly. I am prepared as I have given You all of my heart and made my Home in You! I am secure as I have surrendered all to You, Christ Jesus! All of Your promises have their Yes in You! I pray that we are all made ready and prepared for Your return!

In Jesus’ name I pray,



Jill Lowry Ministries