Daily Prayer


The Lord will be with you when you are afraid. He knows exactly how you feel and wants to help you. Take His hand and escape with Him to a place where He promises peace. In this world there will be trouble, but the Lord will take your fears and tears and turn them to joy! Are you letting your fear get in the way of your faith? Let go of what is holding you back and let God strengthen you. As you do, your faith will rise!

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.” Isaiah 41:10

Dear Lord,

I know that You will help me with fear as I reach out to You with arms wide open! I will choose not to be afraid as I cling to You, my Lord and Savior. You have chosen me to run this race with You without fear of what might happen, but by faith in what You have promised me! I am running with faith, strength and endurance that comes from trusting You!

In Jesus’ name,



Jill Lowry Ministries