Daily Prayer


Jesus saves and He brings life full of hope. He is patiently waiting for you to make your home in Him. Is Jesus your peace? He knows that in this world, you will face trouble, but with Him, You will have peace. Are you breathing in the joy of the Holy Spirit? Jesus brings the gift of joy through the Holy Spirit that spills over to all areas of your life. Be still and know that He is God and see His glory shine on you! Who is He to you? He is asking you, “But who do you say that I am?” Mark 8:29

Dear Lord,

I am still this moment to reflect on Your glory and power that is so real in my life. I know You want me to be still and know that You are God. I will keep making an effort to know You and spend time with You day after day. Each moment deepens my faith on this journey. There is peace and joy in the journey as I journey with You, my Lord and Savior!

In Jesus’ name,



Jill Lowry Ministries