Daily Prayer


The Lord is near to us when we choose to let Him in our lives. His presence is real and alive for those who make Him the Lord of their lives. He leads those who make the choice to follow Him. He blesses His children with strength and guidance through the power of the Holy Spirit given to all who make Jesus their Savior. The Holy Spirit is a gift given to all believers. We can use this gift as we surrender and align our lives with His presence. The power of Holy Spirit is active within us when we live in tune with His presence by letting go and obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit. 

Have you been living with the power of Jesus in you? This power of the Holy Spirit is present in all believers who make the choice to follow Jesus. Have you let the power of the Holy Spirit come alive inside you? Surrender all to Him right now and activate the power of Holy Spirit inside you. He will guide you to all truth and empower you with His presence beyond belief. As you do, you will feel His presence and power come alive in you. This life changing decision will change you from the inside out. Pray to let go and let God make you new as you draw closer to Him. Listen, He is calling you!

Dear Lord,

I know that You are calling me to draw closer. I am praying to see You more as I come closer to Your love. As I pray PSALM 144:5,

“BOW YOUR HEAVENS, O LORD, AND COME DOWN!”, I feel Your power strengthening me like no one or nothing else can do! Your powerful presence is real and actively working inside me. The power of the Holy Spirit is guiding me and interceding for me as I pray. I am full of new hope today as I let You do new things in me! Glory be to God Almighty!

In Jesus name,



Jill Lowry Ministries