Daily Prayer
There are things we must go through that we do not understand. We suffer heartache and we do not get why we have to endure pain. There are people in our lives who we loved who are gone now and we miss them. There are people who loved us and made us feel special who are no longer in our lives. We are missing them. We just wish we could see them again. Why do we have to go through suffering and pain? Who can help us mend our broken hearts?
Jesus can help you as He heals your broken heart and binds up your wounds. He is near to those who call upon Him. He knows your pain and weeps with you. But in all your pain, He wants you to know that there is hope! When you draw to Jesus and give Him your heart, He will wipe away all your tears. He will wrap His arms around you as He comforts you and gives you peace. He will bring you joy through all the pain as you find rest in Him. And the best news of all is that when you choose to make Him your Lord and Savior, you will have eternal life! There is joy in the well of His salvation for you! You will see your loved ones who are in heaven now with Jesus waiting for you! Hallelujah! Jesus saves!
Dear Lord,
I miss people who are no longer in my life. I am sad when I think about them and how much I wish I could hug them and say “I love you” again. But, I am at peace knowing that they have no more pain. They are completely healed in Your presence! They are experiencing the hope of Heaven! You have given me eternal hope as I know that I will see them again one day! I will cling to You more as I keep sharing my hope that is alive because of You! I am grateful for the joy that is mine as I read ISAIAH 12:3,
I am drawing Your living water to fill me with joy! I am saved because I know You as my Lord and Savior! My heartache has turned to joy as I believe in Your promises that are real for all who trust You and believe! I love you!
In Jesus name,