Daily Prayer
Life on this earth is a race. Some run through life savoring each moment and some sprint through life never noticing the beauty and blessings all around them. But how are we running our race? Do we have the courage and determination to finish our race strong? Are we running our race like a marathon or trying to sprint through life? As we press on to the finish line and see the victory ahead of us, we must have strength and endurance to keep going strong. Only God can get us to the finish line so we can receive our reward for a job well done. With Christ in our lives, our victory and reward is already secured! Our prize is Jesus Christ!
Are you seeing the challenges that you face right now as problems or possibilities? Have you sought the counsel and comfort of a loving God who is ready to show you the way to life? The race you are running will build endurance and character so that you can gain new life found in Jesus Christ. Trust Him to be with you as you run. Look around you and see the possibilities that He is giving you to work for His glory. Follow the light of Christ all the way to the finish line. In LUKE 21:19, the Word says,
Run faithful servant, fight the fight with Christ and finish the race with endurance so that you can gain your life!
Dear Lord,
I want to savor all the blessings around me as I run my race. I will run with endurance so that I can finish strong. Thank You for securing my victory as I have believed in You, Lord! I will not stop pressing on with You as I run my race. I am so very thankful and blessed to have You close to me. You are my shield and my song as I press on in the challenges as see them as possibilities to grow my faith and build my character. My hope is found in You! I see the light all around me all the way to the finish line!
In Jesus name,