Daily Prayer


We all face situations that seem impossible. In these times, we must chose whether to press forward with faith or give up without hope. Some abandon all when things get tough, while others forge ahead faithfully trusting God to work all things out. The ones who press on with God, who is always faithful, will see God show up in their lives. For nothing is impossible with God! Greater things ARE possible! With God in the center, impossibilities will be possible!

Are you facing an impossible situation alone? Have you reached out to God to help you? Do you believe that with God all things are possible as you pray? Believe that the God who says, “I am who I am” can do the impossible for you! Your impossible is possible when you put “I am” in your life to make it possible. Are you trusting God to make all things possible for you? His plan is for you to grow closer to His love. His love grows great faith and hope inside you. As you trust instead of doubt, your fears and worries will disappear and the joy of the Lord will flood your heart and soul! Let LUKE 1:37 become real for you as you read truth,


Dear Lord,

Thank You for making my impossible possible! I am trusting You and believing that nothing is impossible with you! As I pray from my heart, I feel Your joy come alive inside of me. Instead of focusing on the problem, I am basking in the peace of Your love and grace. You hear my prayers for situations that seem impossible and You will answer in Your will and timing. While I am waiting for your response, I will trust You more. For nothing is impossible with You!

In Jesus name,



Jill Lowry Ministries