Daily Prayer
I confess that I have sinned and fallen short. Forgive me when I do not do what I know you want. My flesh is weak, but my heart wants to follow you. You are greater than my heart and you know everything. Help me stay connected to you and be obedient to your desires for me. I am so grateful for your love and grace. You pour both out on me and you wipe away all my sins!
I am rejoicing because you are my Redeemer and Prince of Peace! My sins are gone when I confess and believe that I am forgiven. I will live freely forgiven so that I can freely forgive! I will extend peace because I am at peace in you. I will love because I am loved by you.
I believe that you will do what you promised to me. I know that you will be available to me if I avail myself to you wholeheartedly. I am eager to follow you to freedom. I am ready to let go and let you lead me. You are my anchor of hope!